In September 2021, I was approached by an influencer with quite a substantial following on Instagram and TikTok. Jake Jamie is a master of all things beauty and works with reputable brands such as Revolution Skincare. He asked if I would like to work with him to create his Christmas Campaign image for 2021. I can't say I wasn't terrified at the thought of creating something WAY out of my comfort zone and completely not my usual line of work. But I decided to take on the challenge and hope that together we could smash this.

Jake already had an idea of the image he wanted to create and so together, we arranged his products and my contributions to create what you can now see as Jake Jamie's Christmas giftset image. The final image consists of 7 different photos blended into 1. It took many hours of editing and tweaking to achieve the final piece but I hope you can agree, it worked so well! It is definitely a creation I am very proud of...